Other Information

Provisions in the articles of association on profit appropiation

In compliance with Article 2:392.1 b) of the Dutch Civil Code, Article 11 of Ferrovial’s Articles of Association states the following regarding the distribution of profits:

  • Ferrovial may make capital distributions to the extent that its equity exceeds the sum of (i) the paid up and called-up part of its share capital and (ii) the reserves which must be maintained by law or its Articles of Association.
  • Dividend may be distributed after adoption of Ferrovial annual accounts. The Board of Directors may determine that an amount out of the profit will be added to the reserves. The remaining profits will be at the disposal of general meeting.
  • Interim distributions are resolved upon by the Board of Directors and may be made out of Ferrovial´s profits of the then current financial year or at the expense of a distributable reserve.
  • The corporate body resolving on a distribution decides whether such distribution is made in cash, in kind or in shares, or any combination thereof. The General Meeting may only resolve to make a distribution in kind or in the form of shares upon a proposal thereto made by the Board of Directors.
  • All shares in Ferrovial share capital, with the exception of shares held by itself in treasury (unless encumbered with a right of usufruct or pledge), equally share in capital distributions.


Each share in FSE´s share capital confers the right to cast one vote at FSE´s general meeting. No votes can be cast on shares held in treasury by FSE itself or by any subsidiary.


The Branch incorporated in Spain in 2023, Ferrovial SE Sucursal en España, includes the following direct ownership entities:

Entity % stake Entity % stake
Ferrovial Inversiones, S.A.U. 100% Ferrovial Venture VI, S.A.U. 100%
Ferrovial Emisiones, S.A. 100% Ferrovial Ventures, S.A.U. 100%
Ferrovial Construccion, S.A. 100% Ferrovial 008, S.L.U. 100%
Ferrovial Aeropuertos España, S.A.U. 100% Ferrovial 009, S.L.U. 100%
Ferrovial MAD 01, S.A. 100% Ferrovial 012, S.A. 100%
Ferrovial Infraestructuras Energéticas, S.A.U. 100% Ferrovial 013, S.A. 100%
Cintra Infraestructuras España S.L.U. 100% Ferrovial 014, S.A. 100%
Ferrofin S.L. 100% Ferrovial 015, S.L. 100%
Ferrovial Corporación, S.A.U. 100% Ferrovial 016, S.L. 100%
Temauri, S.L.U. 100% Ferrovial 017, S.L. 100%
Krypton RE S.A. 100% Ferrovial 011, S.A. 100%
Ferrovial Mobility S.L.U. 100% Ferrocorp UK LTD. 100%
Landmille Ireland DAC 100% Ferrovial Services Netherlands B.V. 100%
Ferrovial 004, S.L.U 100% Thalia Waste Treatment B.V. 100%
Pilum, S.A. 94,1%

Regarding additional existing branches within Ferrovial, corresponding to the legal entities of the group, it is worth mentioning the branches located in India, France, Portugal, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, United Kingdom, Peru, Oman, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Greece, Tunisia, Italy.

Please refer to Appendix II and III of the Consolidated Financial Statements included in this Annual Report for all Ferrovial SE subsidiaries and associates.


The report of the independent auditor is included on the next pages.